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Advance notice on the 2012 Qingming Festival
Mar 21, 2012 12:00 AM

Zhejiang A&F University’s 2012 Qing Ming festival and make-up time for the holiday classes.

As follows:
Vacation time and make-up classes
The Qingming holiday classes will be April 2nd - 4th, altogether 3 days. April 4th (Wednesday) is described as a statutory holiday. March 31 (Saturday) and April 1 (Sun) are public holidays respectively
March 31st (Saturday) and 1st April (Sunday) classes have been shifted to April 2nd (Monday) and April 3rd (Tue) respectively.

Also this notice provides relevant guidelines for various groups:
1) The Institute of Technology (Department) will conduct comprehensive and detailed security checks to eliminate security risks, and ensure safety of the campus
2) All teachers and students should be extremely cautious during the Qingming holidays and should be responsible for whatever place of interest they visit.
3) The security office must complete the safety and security work earnestly. They should patrol the campus to strengthened the management of the East Lake, the school gate, yi jin and the campus in general.
4) The logistics group should do a good job to ensure a better service for the teachers and students

Guidelines for the shift schedules:
1) The General Duty observation room located in Building 102 is responsible for receiving in-coming messages and handling of related matters.
Tel: 63,732,700 (9,292,700), Contact: Zhong Xiaoting, Tel: 13486150955
2) Faculties and departments must implement the holiday shift schedules. In case a major incident occurs, it can be handled properly according to the related stipulation for prompt reporting.
(Identify contact person and telephone) by March 29th (Thursday) 4:00 pm.

Enjoy your 2012 Qingming Festival

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