Thursday 13th April 2017 was a landmark for the International College as International Students took part in the first ever Inter-university academic competition. An intellectual competition in the form of an Economic debate was held at the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology in Hangzhou city.
The venture was a partnership between our Economics Students under the International Students Economics Association and the International Students Union of ZUST.
ZAFU was represented by
Aquila Ng’onga,
Tamani Mbao,
Buumba Kabilika,
and Mukwavi Changala.
Our team debated for the first time and was subject to pressure among other deadlines as they practised every day after classes. ISEA vice president Jacob Kabwe coordinated and mentored the team.
The motion at hand was “African dependency on donor aid is the reason for Africa’s lack of development”. ZAFU took the affirming end and after intense research was ready to beam with eloquence and confidence on the day. ZUST was equally prepared making every round competitive.
After a tightly contested session, ZAFU registered a victory away from home. We also had Mukwavi Changala returning as the best speaker.
Congratulations to our economics students for flying the ZAFU flag high and well done to the International Students Economics Association for constantly paving a way for extracurricular activities.