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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and the notice of the arrangement of the holiday.
Sep 14, 2016 02:28 PM 夏慧春

"ZhongQiuJie", which isalso known astheMid-Autumn festival,iscelebrated on the 15th of the 8th month of the lunar calendar.It isatime for familymembersand loved onesto congregate and enjoythe full moon -an auspicioussymbol of abundance, harmonyluck.Adultswill usuallyindulge in fragrant mooncakesofmany varietieswith a good cup of piping hotChinese tea, while the little onerun around with their brightly-lit lanterns.


"ZhongQiuJie" probablybegan asa harvest festival. the festivalwaslater given a mythological flavor withlegendofChang’E, the beautiful ladyin the moon.


9月15日(星期四 中秋节)至17日(星期六)放假调休,共三天。9月18日(星期日)新生安排入学教育,老生安排上9月16日(星期五)的课。

15th Sept to 17th Sept we have a Mid-Autumn Festival vacation, from 18th Sept we start class and Friday's class will be given on 18th Sept.

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