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Notice on Application of Zhejiang Government Scholarship
May 20, 2020 03:13 PM 夏慧春


1. All degree student

2. With valid passport of foreign nationalities

3. Certain proficiency in Chinese

4. Academic performance ranks top 20% in class. With no re-taking courses and no failed courses.

5. Attendance rate: 90% and above;

6. Have not been awarded with scholarship of any other kind.

7. Register and pay off fees of semester 2020 spring.

8. Exception can be made for students who make special contribution to college management and development.


1. Application form

Find online:

2. Copy of passport

3. Medical check-updone within half a year

4. Transcript of autumn semester of academic year 2019-2020 (all courses done between 2019.09-2020.01)

5. Attendance sheet

6. HSK report (above HSK 3, HSK4 is preferred)

Application opens on workdays between June 1 to June 10.

Submit your application to Room 513 in Building 3.

All applications will be reviewed by Scholarship Assessment Committee.

CONTACTS:  63926893 Feng laoshi

International College


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